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Tad Cues |

TAD Phoenolic joint with big pin

TAD white joint with big pin

Model # Tad-1-M Birdseye maple cue with Tad ring work.

Model # Tad-1-M-1 Birdseye maple cue with Phoenolic joint and ring.

Model # Tad-2: Birdseye maple wood with inlays.

Model # Tad-2-2: Birdseye maple wood with inlays.

Model # Tad-2-4 Birdseye maple forearm with inlays at butt.
Weight: 19.20 oz

Model # Tad-2-5 Birdseye maple forearm with inlays at butt.
Weight: 19.10 oz

Model # Tad-2-6 Birdseye maple forearm with inlays at butt.
Weight: 19.10 oz

Forearm: 4 points with 4 miter cut veneers.
Butt: "Hoppe" style ring, with Tad logo engraved.
Model # Tad-4-R Rosewood butt and points.

Model # Tad-4-P-1 Purple heart wood butt and points.

Model # Tad-41-1: 4 points with inlays & veneers.
Forearm: Birdseye maple, 4 points with 5 color veneers, mother-of-pearl diamond inlays.
Butt: inlayed with the same 5 color veneers into a rectangle box with mother-of-pearl diamond located in the center.

Model # Tad-41-7: 4 points with inlays & veneers.
Forearm: Birdseye maple, 4 points with 5 color veneers, mother-of-pearl diamond inlays.
Butt: inlayed with the same 5 color veneers into a rectangle box with mother-of-pearl diamond located in the center.

Model # Tad-41-8: 4 points with inlays & veneers.
White joint with big pin.

Model # Tad-41-9: 4 points with inlays & veneers.

Model # Tad-812: 8 ebony points, fancy inlays.

Model # Tad-81-1: 8 points with inlays.

Model # Tad81-3: 8 points cue.

Model # Tad-81-4: 8 points with inlays.
Weight: 19.20 oz

Model # Tad-81-5: 8 points with inlays.
White joint with big pin.
Weight: 19.20 oz

Model # Tad-81-6: 8 points with inlays.

Model # Tad-82-1: 8 points with veneers, fancy inlays.

Model # Tad-82-2: 8 points with inlays.

Model # Tad-82-4: 8 point cue with veneer and inlays, Tad rings.

Model # Tad-84-1: 8 points with veneers, fancy inlays.

Model # Tad-86: 8 points with inlays.

Model # Tad-86-1: 8 points with veneers, fancy inlays.

Model # Tad-88: 8 points with inlays.

Model # Tad-89: 8 points with inlays.

Model # Tad-810: 8 points with inlays.

Model # Tad-810-1: 8 points with inlays.

Model # Tad-811: 8 points ebony cue with inlays.

Model # Tad-817: 8 points cue with inlays.

Model # Tad-818: 8 points cue with inlays.

Model # Tad-819: 8 points cue with inlays.

Model # Tad-820: 8 points cue with inlays.

Model # Tad-821: 8 points with inlays.

Model # Tad-43: 4 floating points, with inlays.
Model # Tad-43-1: 4 floating points, with inlays.
Forearm: Birdseye maple, 4 Snakewood and ivory colored inlayed floating points.
Butt: same design as on the forearm.

Model # Tad-44: Ebony cue, 4 floating points, with inlays.

Model # Tad-44-1: Ebony cue, 4 floating points, inlays.

Model # Tad-Collection-0406
The most fancy Tad cue we ever seen. 8 floating points. A lot of inlays. Special made by Tad for collection. This cue is very very expensive. This cue comes with a Tad Cues engraved wooden collection box